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    We are StockRepublic

    We're making investing social so that average investors can beat the market.

    Social platforms like Twitter and Reddit have proven that retail investors are hungry for peer-to-peer investment advice. At their best, social trading experiences can help average investors outperform the market. But bad actors, bots, and many other factors have given social trading a bad name.

    At StockRepublic, we're on a mission to bring the best of social trading to the banks and brokerages investors already know, use, and trust.

    Since launching in 2019, we've built and launched social trading communities for top-tier banks in five different markets with hundreds of thousands of happy users.

    Unlike other social trading experiences, StockRepublic's white label app and API are built specifically for financial institutions. We focus on building compliant, highly-engaging products that allow users to connect in authenticated, safe environments.

    Meet the team

    An experienced team with a history of online banking and investments

    Meet the team
    The StockRepublic team sitting in a couch

    In the media


    We’re always looking for great people: developers, marketers, B2B sales executives, and more. Don’t hesitate to reach out even if we’re not listing an open position that might fit you.

    Open positions
    Fabian Grapengiesser and Hanna Bjurström from StockRepublic